Hello everyone, Sonic Yoda here. A friend of mine suggested I keep you all in the know as to why the site has been quiet for such a long period of time and I thought that was quite a good idea!
So on the 28th of July I moved home and even though I’ve been in the new place for over a month me and my flat-mate are still sorting the last few things out. The main one is obviously the internet.
With any luck we should be live soon but there’s some strange fault with my line (apparently) so even though I should’ve gone live on Tuesday (4/9/12) I’m still having endless calls with my provider to get things sorted.
We have some cool content for you when we’re back though so don’t think we’ve been slacking. I have a feature video that includes all my favourite games from this year’s SAGE to still upload and then we’ll be doing another collaborative video with The Community Spotlight.
Once again, apologies for the long period of dead-time but hopefully we should be live and kicking again soon!
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: content, delay, down, down time, internet, moving, segadriven, sonic yoda, the community spotlight, video, youtube