WaterMelon Games have opened a new website called Magical Game Factory. The developers of Pier Solar (the Mega Drive RPG released in 2011) are allowing users to invest in game ideas using a GEMS system on the website. The most popular game ideas will then be considered for development by WaterMelon Games. Not only will investors help fund the development of a game, but they’ll also be given access to pre-order the game early and even receive a special ‘Investor Version’ of the finished game once it’s complete.
Head over to the website now and have a look around. Click the factory tab to see what projects WaterMelon are currently looking into and invest in the one you are most interested in!
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: independent developer, indie, magical game factory, mega drive, pier solar, watermelon games