What is this pecularliar listing in the Playstation Store titled Sonic DL all about? It can be found under PS3 add-ons. Let’s do a little speculation, shall we?
– The release date is 13/10/2010, the same day Sonic 4 Episode 1 is released on the PAL Playstation Store
– The image is the Project Needlemouse teaser image which probably means this is related to Sonic 4
– Because it was listed on 13/10/2010 makes me think that this is probably related to Sonic 4 Episode 1 and not Episode 2
– This could be a temporary listing for Sonic 4 Episode 1 DLC that was never taken down
– It could be that no DLC was ever planned and this is a temporary holding for Sonic 4 Episode 1
– Could the ‘DL’ stand for ‘DownLoad’? Was this the working title for Sonic 4 Episode 1?
What do you guys think?
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: dimps, dlc, download, ps3, psn, sonic 4 episode 1, sonic dl, sonic team, sonic the hedgehog 4
This listing has, despite the date on it, been around for ages. It was simply a placeholder for the Sonic 4 segment.
As for it being in add-ons, let’s see it this way-each episode is pretty much adding on to the story of Ep.1 and so forth.
I’d just think of it as a placeholder until Dimps set up the Sonic 4 section, nothing more.
Or maybe perhaps it was a forerunner to the Sonic section in franchises, given that obviously consists of Sonic Downloadable bits and bobs.
Interesting stuff! Thanks for your input!
Another point to prove it’s pretty old is the article confuzzled me-a quick check and the date you provided is wrong-it was released on 13/10/2010, not 2011. X3
Good spot! I will correct that now!