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Posts Tagged ‘two worlds unfold’

SEGA Tunes: The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012 is Now Available to Download

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

VizardJeffhog at The Sonic Stadium has orchestrated an enormous Sonic and SEGA music project called The Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012 which sees a huge amount (over 40) of different fan artists and musicians contribute to one of the biggest remix albums ever.

The collection spans 10 discs and 8 hours in length and it’s available to download now.

Click here to be taken to the official website.

If anyone is interested, I am one half of the artist known as Two Worlds Unfold who contribute a rock cover of Lee Brotherton/Bentley Jones’ Dreams of an Absolution from the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 soundtrack.

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