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Posts Tagged ‘daytona usa 2’

Take a Virtual Tour of SEGA’s Retro Game Floor in Akihabara

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

Ever wanted to explore one of Japan’s greatest retro arcades from the comfort of your own home? Now you can thanks to this wonderful virtual recreation of SEGA’s Retro Game Floor that is currently located in Akihabara Building 3 in Tokyo, Japan.

Click here to open the virtual Retro Game Floor arcade and start exploring!

The arcade is host to a fantastic selection of SEGA arcade classics including Scud Race, Daytona USA 2, Thunder Blade, After Burner, Space Harrier, Rad Mobile, AB Cop, Wild Riders, LA Machineguns and many, many more. This virtual version of the Retro Game Floor is a fascinating look at a beautiful arcade that is keeping loads of classic games up and running for fans of arcade gaming.

When the arcade first opened in its current location, the grand unveiling also featured a recreation of a classic SEGA High-Tech Land archway – a lovely nod to SEGA’s original chain of arcades that operated through the 90s.

[Source: hinata_t16 and SEGA_akiba3ac on Twitter]

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