5 new peripherals have been added to the website’s Hardware section. These are all Mega Drive controllers and you can see a full list of the additions below:
– Asciiware SEGA Mega Stick added to 16 bit peripherals
– Competition Pro Series II Honey Bee (Model Number SG-8) added to 16 bit peripherals
– Competition Pro Series III Honey Bee (Model Number SG-18) added to 16 bit peripherals
– Competition Pro Honey Bee (Model Number SG-6) added to 16 bit peripherals
– Graduate Phase9 added to 16 bit peripherals
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: asciiware, competition pro, controllers, hardware, mega drive, peripherals, sega genesis