Edge have run an interesting feature discussing the critical reaction to Yakuza 5 which was released in Japan on December 6th 2012:
“A massive game then, full of quirky and unique content, with a compelling tale tying it all together. As the current generation of consoles finally seems to be coming to its close, it’s a shame that even with such glowing praise in its native Japan, there haven’t been any plans announced to release in the west what what could be one of PS3′s last major Japanese exclusives. “In terms of volume and quality of content, this is the high point in the Yakuza series. A definite ‘buy’,” says Impress Watch. Would that we could.”
Click here to be taken to the full feature at Edge Online.
Yakuza 5 is still without a Western release date as is the HD re-release of Yakuza 1 & 2. Get your act together SEGA!
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: edge, japan, news, ps3, release date, Ryū ga Gotoku 5, Toshihiro Nagoshi, yakuza 5