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Zillion: The Complete Series

The North American blu-ray and DVD release of the entire Zillion anime series and additional OVA. Originally airing in Japan from April 1987 to December 1987, this 31 episode anime TV series charts the exploits of JJ, Champ and Apple as they are given the 3 legendary Zillion guns. As a part of the special task force known as White Nuts, the team must take on the evil invading alien force known as the Nohzas who are aiming to wipe out the human race and use our planets to lay eggs on so they can reproduce. Zillion is famous for featuring cross-promotion with SEGA who were producing the tie-in game for the Master System. Opa-Opa from the Fantasy Zone series appears in the show as a companion for the White Nuts task force, and SEGA later modeled the Master System Light Phaser on the design of the Zillion guns featured in the show. The packaging and DVD menus also make reference to the Master System games. The discs have artwork that is made to look like Master System cartridges and their checkerboard labels. The menus also feature pixel art and faux-CRT scanlines which are made to evoke the imagery of the Master System games.

Release date: 09/10/2018
Distributor: Funimation
Running time: 829 minutes
Format: Blu-Ray & DVD
Region: Blu-Ray A & DVD 1

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