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SEGA Announce Alien Isolation 2 Is In Early Development

The Creative Assembly have taken to social media to announce that a follow-up to Alien Isolation is in the early stages of development. SEGA will once again handle publishing duties.

The original Alien Isolation released 10 years ago for PC, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PS4. The game is a first person horror title where you are play as Amanda Ripley, the daughter Ellen Ripley as you try to investigate your mother’s disapperance on the space station Sevastopol. While you’re doing this you are being constantly stalked by a xenomorph and have to carefully explore using stealth so you don’t alert the xenomorph.

There is currently no word on which platforms are being targeted for Alien Isolation 2 or when we can expect the game to release. As this initial announcement from The Creative Assembly is just to reveal the game is in early development, I can imagine we’ll be waiting a while before we get to see something some substantial for this title.

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