The good people over at SMS Power have managed to secure the loose EPROMs of an unreleased Game Gear title called BreakThru! and have now dumped the game and preserved it digitally.
BreakThru! was originally released on other systems such as PC, SNES, Game Boy in 1994 and Saturn and Playstation later in 1995. The game is infamous for being endorsed by Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov. This Game Gear version was completed but never released for unknown reasons.
You can download the ROM file from SMS Power’s page on the title. SMS Power have also released a patched version that is more compatible with different hardware. The ROM file can be played on real hardware using something like an Everdrive cartridge. Alternatively the game can be played under emulation.
[Source: SMS Power]
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Tags: Alexey Pajitnov, breakthru!, game gear, puzzle game, rom dump, sega saturn, sms power, tetris, unreleased