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Posts Tagged ‘am1’

Rise of Nightmares Eurogamer Preview

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Eurogamer have published an exclusive preview of Rise of Nightmares; the new Kinect horror title from AM1. That’s right, the team responsible for House of the Dead!

Some interesting things we have learned:

1) The game is NOT on-rails, this is a free-roaming, first-person action game
2) There is light-platforming and it’s NOT rubbish
3) A handy “I’m stuck” function has been added. Raise your hand to progress out of your predicament
4) Points of interest are highlighted with an icon which can be selected and jumped straight to

Click here to be taken straight to the feature.

We’re pretty excited for this game. Hopefully AM1 can deliver a great slab of shlock-horror!

[Source: Eurogamer]

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