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Posts Tagged ‘sonic panel’

Sonic the Hedgehog Panel Announced for SXSW Gaming

Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

Fast becoming a tradition, the Sonic the Hedgehog team at SEGA are once again making an appearance at SXSW Gaming to host a Sonic the Hedgehog panel.

The panel hasn’t been confirmed for a specific date/time at the time of writing, but it will take place at some point during the 15th to the 17th of March 2019. The panel will feature Aaron Webber, Jasmin Hernandez, Jun Senoue and Takashi Iizuka and it promises to discuss, “the latest for the blue blur and his next steps for 2019 and beyond.”

Previous SXSW Sonic panels have revealed the existence of Team Sonic Racing, Sonic Mania Plus and Sonic Mania Adventures, so expect some pretty high profile reveals during this year’s panel.

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