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Posts Tagged ‘sega pluto’

The SEGA Pluto Lives Again Thanks to the Efforts of Ben Heck | Video Spotlight

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

The unreleased SEGA Pluto is the stuff of legend. Only 2 exist in the wild and they are essentially prototype SEGA Saturns with built-in Netlink capabilities. This system was never released to the public. If you’d like to learn more about the system then please read our hardware article on the system which features images of both surviving Plutos.

One of the systems has now ended up on the desk of Ben Heck, famous for repairing the prototype Nintendo Playstation. His work on the system is minimal, but this tear-down video does offer some fascinating insight into the machine that Saturn fans should absolutely watch. Check it out below:

Updates to the Hardware Section

Monday, October 29th, 2018

The following updates and additions are now live in our Hardware section:

– New description and images for SG-1000
– New description and images for SG-1000 II
– New description and images for SEGA Mark III
– New description and images for SEGA Master System
SC-3000 added with images
SK-1100 keyboard added with images
SF-7000 added with images
SEGA Pluto added, complete with images of both models

Video Spotlight: The Other SEGA Pluto in Action

Friday, April 19th, 2013

After the amazing discovery of the SEGA Pluto prototype console on Wednesday, the owner of the other console has come forward and created a video of it in action. He has also revealed that he found it at a flea market for a dollar and will likely put it on eBay in the next few days:

[Source: Eurogamer]

ASSEMbler User Reveals Rare SEGA Saturn Prototype

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

Well how’s this for SEGA news: a user of the ASSEMbler forums known as Super Magnetic has posted photos of an extremely rare SEGA Saturn prototype called the SEGA Pluto.

The SEGA Pluto would have been a SEGA Saturn with a built in Netlink for dial up internet connectivity. I say “would have been” because there is rumored to be only 2 prototypes in existence, this being the 2nd. The final console obviously didn’t go into production.

Check out the photos of the machine below:

[Source: ASSEMblerGames Forums]

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