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Posts Tagged ‘new sonic game’

Rumour: New Sonic Game Could Be Announced Next Month

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

The Sonic Stadium have revealed that “sources close to SEGA” have revealed to them that a new Sonic game will be either announced or simply teased next month with an estimated release date of September 2013.

There’s an awful lot of details about the game from this mystery source. We’ve detailed the key points below:

* It will be released on Wii U, PS3, 360, 3DS, PS Vita, PC, and “Next gen” consoles
* PC and PS Vita versions will be identical aside from the graphical differences, while the 3DS version will be another Sonic Rush styled game
* Similar to Sonic Unleashed (Daytime), Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations where gameplay switches between full 3D movement and 2D side-scrolling sections
* Each route in a stage will lead to one of two or three exits at the end that will each take you to a different stage
* The developers are trying for a least 20 diferent stages, not including boss battles
* “You might unlock Knuckles in any one of three stages. Sometimes, if you already have a character that would be unlocked first, a different one may be unlocked. Altogether we’re looking at about 10 different characters to play with, and no, Sonic isn’t getting any new friends.”
* Each character will have their own skills to help them progress in stages easier where others will have more difficulty or simply cannot ala Sonic 3 & Knuckles and the Sonic Advance series
* The 3DS version will be “similar in idea, but smaller in scope”. The source says it looks like every stage will only ever branch off into 2 stages.

[Source: The Sonic Stadium]

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